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Rec Trac 10.3 Quick Reference Guide
Rec Trac 10.3 Reference Guide is here! This incredibly useful Guide is a reference tool for anyone who needs quick access to perform different operations within Rec Trac. 10.3 RecTrac - Quick Reference Guides (pdf)

Revised Credit Memo Process Impacts on GLAC & Incentives from US FOODS
Installation Management Command integrates and delivers base support to enable readiness for a globally-responsive U.S. Army Revised Credit Memo Process Impacts on GLAC & Incentives from US FOODS
25% Healthy Items for FMWR Quick Serve Operations Standard
All Quick serve FMWR operations menus must contain at least 25% of selections that meet healthy criteria as outlined below: Entrees 500...
The FOOD-TRAK® System by System Concepts, Inc. (SCI), is a comprehensive food and beverage management system enabling Indian gaming operations...
IMCOM G9 debuts Charging Station in conjunction with Healthy Army Communities
Introducing Charging Stations PDF of this article On June 1, IMCOM G9 launched a new program called Charging Station as part of Healthy...