Business Operators

Thanks for your interest in partnering with the U.S. Army Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation!
When there is not an open solicitation from the NAF Contracting office, all proposals must be submitted in accordance with Army Regulation 215-4, 2-16.
Here are excerpts from this regulation:
Unsolicited proposals may be a valuable means of obtaining innovative or unique methods or approaches to accomplishing a mission....
- c. The criteria below will be considered in evaluating an unsolicited proposal. A valid unsolicited proposal must—
- (1) Be innovative and unique.
- (2) Be independently originated and developed by the offeror.
- (3) Be prepared without NAFI or Government personnel supervision.
- (4) Include sufficient detail to permit a determination that the NAFI would benefit.
- (5) Not be an advance proposal for a known NAFI requirement that can be acquired by competitive methods.
- d. Contents of a valid unsolicited proposal should include—
- (1) General information as follows:
- (a) Offeror’s name, address, and the type of organization (for example, profit, nonprofit, or educational).
- (b) Names and telephone numbers of technical and business personnel to be contacted for evaluation or negotiation purposes.
- (c) Identity of proprietary data to be used for evaluation purposes only.
- (d) Submission date.
- (e) Signature of authorized agent to represent and contractually obligate the offeror.
- (2) Technical information, which should include—
- (a) Concise title or description and an abstract of the proposed effort.
- (b) A reasonably complete discussion (abbreviated statement of work) stating the objectives of the effort or activity, the method of approach and extent of the effort to be employed, the nature and extent of the effort to be employed, the nature and extent of the anticipated results, and the manner in which the work will help to support accomplishment of the MWR mission.
- (c) Names and biographical information on the offeror’s key personnel who would be involved, including alternates.
- (d) Type of support needed from the NAFI (for example, facilities, equipment, materials, or personnel resources).
- (3) Supporting information, which may include—
- (a) Proposed price or total estimated cost for the effort in sufficient detail for meaningful evaluation.
- (b) Period of time for which the proposal is valid (a 6-month minimum is suggested).
- (c) Type of contract preferred.
- (d) Duration of proposed effort.
- (e) Brief description of the organization, previous experience in the field, and facilities to be used.
- (4) Required statements, if applicable, about organizational conflicts of interest, security clearances, and environmental impacts.
Please contact us for further information on unsolicited proposals.