Managing Garrison Category Pages


This guide will walk you through how to manage and maintain your category pages. The following topics are covered:

  • How to manage stripes on category pages
  • How to add a program to a category page
  • Common issues and troubleshooting steps

How to add an event to a category page stripe

Follow the instructions below to manage stripes on category pages. 

 Garrison Category Management

  1. Login to Enterprise Web.
  2. Navigate to Dashboard -> Calendar & Events and find the event to add to the stripe. 
  3. Click the event to pop out the menu and choose edit: 

    Editing an event

  4. Click the Details tab
  5. Select the Category pages the event needs to display on:

    Category selection
  6. Next, click the Display tab and check the box labeled Display on Category Page.

    Screen Shot 2021-12-13 at 4.47.47 PM.png
  7. Click the green Publish button to make your changes live. 


The event will display during the next category refresh. To see the changes, immediately regenerate the board to force the event to display on the category pages. 

Screen Shot 2021-12-13 at 4.47.52 PM.png


Managing the Program Links Displayed on Category Pages

How to add a program page to a category page. For this example, we’ll be adding the Pine View Campground to show up in the Outdoor Recreation category and Recreation category. Before you begin, you’ll need to have the Program Page and Express Program entries already created.

  1. Login to Enterprise Web.
  2. Navigate to the Express program you want to add to a category page. 

    Express programs
  3. Click on a program to view the entry. 
  4. Click Edit

    Clicking edit button on program entry
  5. Choose the Categories the page should link to and click save program. 

    Screen Shot 2021-12-13 at 4.48.17 PM.png


The program page links to the recreation and outdoor recreation category. 

Category links

Common Issues and Troubleshooting Steps

How to fix a dead link on a category page - If a link isn't working on a category page, check the program page settings to ensure the page is linked to a program express entry. 

Steps to troubleshoot: 

  1. Login and navigate to the program page 
  2. Click the gear icon in the upper left corner to update the program page settings. 
  3. Under the Composer tab click Choose Entry to pop out the express program list.

    Screen Shot 2021-12-13 at 4.48.38 PM.png
  4. Select the program and click the select button in the lower left.

    Program list
  5. Click the Publish Changes button button in the lower left. 

    Save and publish buttons