Reports Glossary

MarketingSeptember 27, 2024

Metrics Definitions

Metric Description
Actions - Main Metrics (Actions) Offers a general overview of visitor activities on your website, such as page views, searches, downloads, and link clicks. It’s a great starting point to see how users interact with your content.
All Channels (Referrers) Displays a unified view of all the channels bringing traffic to your website, including search engines, websites, and campaigns. Helps you understand where your visitors are coming from.
All Websites Dashboard (All Websites) Provides a general overview of visitor metrics for each of your websites. Useful for comparing performance across multiple sites.
Audio Resource URLs (Media) Shows the specific URLs of audio files that visitors listened to. Helps you see which audio content is engaging your audience.
Audio Resources URLs Grouped (Media) Groups audio files with the same name but different formats. This report is helpful for understanding the overall popularity of your audio content.
Audio Titles (Media) Lists the titles of audio files your visitors have listened to. Useful for evaluating which audio content is most appealing.
Audio per Hour in Website's Timezone (Media) Displays when your audio content is being played throughout the day in your site’s timezone. Helps you identify peak listening times.
Browser Plugins (Visitors) Shows which browser plugins your visitors have enabled. This information can help you optimize your site for the most common configurations.
Browser Engines (Visitors) Breaks down visitor browsers by their underlying engine, helping you understand which browser technologies are being used to view your site.
Browser Version (Visitors) Lists the specific browser versions visitors are using. Useful for ensuring your site is compatible with the most popular versions.
Browsers (Visitors) Displays the types of browsers visitors use to access your site. Helps you ensure your site performs well across different browsers.
Channel Type (Referrers) Shows how visitors are reaching your site, whether through direct entry, search engines, websites, or campaigns. This helps you understand which channels are most effective.
City (Visitors) Lists the cities visitors are accessing your site from. Useful for geographic targeting and understanding your audience location.
Configurations (Visitors) Displays the most common combinations of operating systems, browsers, and screen resolutions used by your visitors. Helps you optimize the user experience for these configurations.
Content Name (Actions) Shows the names of content items that visitors viewed or interacted with. Useful for understanding which content pieces attract the most attention.
Content Piece (Actions) Displays specific pieces of content that were viewed or interacted with, providing insight into what content is engaging visitors.
Continent (Visitors) Shows the continents from which your visitors are connecting, helping you identify where your global audience is located.
Country (Visitors) Displays the countries visitors are accessing your site from, which can inform your regional marketing strategies.
Custom Variables (Visitors) Provides information on custom variables you’ve set up, showing how visitors interact with specific site elements. Useful for tracking custom behaviors.
Days to Conversion (Goals) Shows the number of days it takes for visitors to complete a goal, such as making a purchase or signing up. Helps you understand the customer journey.
Device Brand (Visitors) Displays the brands of devices visitors use, such as Apple or Samsung. Useful for tailoring content to the most popular devices.
Device Model (Visitors) Shows the specific models of devices visitors are using, helping you understand the device landscape of your audience.
Device Type (Visitors) Breaks down the types of devices used by visitors, such as desktop, mobile, or tablet. Useful for optimizing your site design for different device types.
Downloads (Actions) Lists the files downloaded by visitors. Helps you track which downloadable content is most popular.
Entry Page Titles (Actions) Shows the titles of the first pages visitors see when they enter your site. Useful for understanding the effectiveness of landing pages.
Entry Pages (Actions) Lists the specific pages visitors enter your site on, providing insights into how users begin their journey on your website.
Event Actions (Actions) Displays the number of times each event action, such as clicks or video plays, occurred on your site.
Event Categories (Actions) Shows the categories of tracked events, helping you understand the types of interactions visitors have on your site.
Event Names (Actions) Lists the names of tracked events and how often they occur, offering insight into specific user interactions.
Exit Page Titles (Actions) Shows the titles of pages where visitors exit your site. Helps identify where visitors are dropping off.
Exit Pages (Actions) Displays the specific pages where visitors leave your site, providing insight into potential exit points or problem areas.
Forms Overview (Forms) Provides a summary of how your forms are performing, including views, submissions, and conversions. Useful for understanding form effectiveness.
Goals Overview (Goals) Shows how well visitors are converting specific goals on your site, such as completing a purchase or filling out a form.
Keywords (Referrers) Lists the search keywords that brought visitors to your site. Helps identify which search terms are driving traffic.
Language Code (Visitors) Shows the language settings of visitors' browsers, helping you understand the preferred languages of your audience.
Length of Visits (Actions) Displays the distribution of visit lengths, providing insight into how long visitors spend on your site.
Media Summary (Media) Provides an overview of media consumption, including audio and video content. Useful for understanding overall media engagement.
Operating System Versions (Visitors) Shows the operating systems used by visitors, broken down by version. Helps ensure compatibility across different systems.
Outlinks (Actions) Lists external links visitors clicked on to leave your site. Helps track how visitors navigate away from your content.
Page Titles Following a Site Search (Actions) Displays the pages visitors clicked on after using your site’s search function. Helps identify the content visitors are seeking.
Page URLs (Actions) Shows the URLs of pages visited, providing a detailed view of user navigation on your site.
Page Titles (Actions) Displays the titles of pages visited. Useful for identifying the popularity of specific content.
Pages per Visit (Actions) Shows how many pages are viewed during each visit, giving insight into user engagement and site navigation.
Performance Overview (Actions) Provides an overview of how quickly your site loads and becomes interactive. Useful for optimizing page speed and performance.
Provider (Visitors) Displays the internet service providers used by visitors. Helps understand the technical context of your audience.
Referrers Overview (Referrers) Shows the channels, such as search engines or social media, that drive traffic to your site.
Region (Visitors) Displays the regions from which visitors are accessing your site. Useful for regional marketing strategies.
Returning Visits (Actions) Compares metrics for new and returning visitors, showing how well you retain your audience.
SEO Web Vitals (Referrers) Measures user experience elements like load times and visual stability, which can affect your search engine rankings.
Screen Resolution (Visitors) Shows the screen resolutions visitors use, helping you optimize your site’s design for different devices.
Search Engines (Referrers) Lists the search engines that referred visitors to your site, helping you understand where search traffic is coming from.
Search Keywords with No Results (Actions) Shows the keywords visitors searched for on your site that returned no results. Useful for identifying content gaps.
Site Search Keywords (Actions) Lists the search terms visitors used on your site’s internal search engine. Helps understand what content visitors are looking for.
Social Networks (Referrers) Shows which social networks referred traffic to your site, helping you measure the impact of your social media presence.
User IDs (Visitors) Displays metrics for individual user IDs, helping you track user behavior at a granular level.
Visits Summary (Visitors) Provides a general overview of visitor behavior, including total visits and average visit duration.
Visits by Day of the Week (Visitors) Shows the number of visits your site received on each day of the week. Useful for identifying peak traffic days.
Visits by Days Since Last Visit (Actions) Displays how many visits were from returning visitors based on the time since their last visit.
Visits per Hour in the Site's Timezone (Visitors) Shows the time of day visitors access your site based on your site’s timezone.
Visits per Local Time (Visitors) Displays the time of day visitors access your site based on their local time.
Visits to Conversion (Goals) Shows how many visits are made before a visitor completes a goal, such as making a purchase.
Web Browser Language (Visitors) Shows the languages set in visitors’ browsers, which can help with language-specific content targeting.
Websites (Referrers) Lists the websites that referred traffic to your site, helping you understand which external sites are driving visits.

This guide provides an easy-to-understand summary of various Matomo Analytics reports and what they reveal about your website’s performance.

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