The FY24 Bataan Memorial Death March

Research & AnalysisAdded by Jessica Dunbar - PortlandLabsSeptember 12, 2024
Bataan Memorial Death March


The FY24 Bataan Memorial Death March has seen significant growth in user engagement and site traffic. 
New users have increased to 3,009, marking a remarkable 507.9% rise from the previous year. Total views reached 5,108, reflecting a 443.4% increase.

  • The engagement rate has also grown substantially to 64%, a 58.5% increase, showing high user interaction with the site's content. 
  • Outbound clicks, particularly towards registration pages, totaled 3,663, showing effective conversion of visitor interest into action. 

Social media plays a smaller role in traffic acquisition, there is potential for growth in this area to enhance participation and engagement further.

In summary, the FY24 Bataan Memorial Death March website is seeing remarkable growth in user numbers, sessions, and engagement, with organic search being the dominant traffic driver. While social media's role is currently minimal, there is potential for expansion to further enhance engagement and participation.