A/B Testing Roadmap & Current Initiatives

Research & AnalysisAdded by Jessica Dunbar - PortlandLabsAugust 16, 2024

The A/B Testing roadmap is shaped by collaboration between PortlandLabs, the G9 Team, and the CAT (Content Access Team). The G9 Team provides strategic direction and ensures alignment with Army MWR objectives. Ideas from PortlandLabs and the CAT team are prioritized based on impact and feasibility. The CAT manages content and navigation updates, using testing insights to implement changes. This agile process ensures continuous improvement driven by user feedback and data analysis.

Table 1: Roadmap and Testing Ideas

Experiment Name Experiment Description Difficulty Start Date End Date Status
Community Support Menu Name ArmyMWR Test the effectiveness of different menu names in driving user engagement for community support pages. Medium 08/01/2018 08/31/2018 Complete
Test "Home Life" vs. Base Life Test impact of replacing "Home Life" in navigation with "Base Life" Easy 08/15/2024 09/15/2024 Active
Test Old Nav vs. New Nav Test impact of the new navigation structure compared to the old structure Medium/Hard TBD   Planned
Reorder Navigation Items Based on User Priority To test if reordering the navigation items based on user priority (e.g., moving most-clicked items to the left) improves user engagement and reduces time to find information. Easy      
Relocation of "Partner with Us" and "Eligible Patrons" to Utility Navigation To determine the impact on user engagement and navigation efficiency when moving "Partner with Us" and "Eligible Patrons" links from the main navigation bar to the utility navigation bar. Medium      
Persistent Search Bar in Utility Navigation To assess the impact of making the search bar persistent and visible at all times in the utility navigation. Medium      
Personalized Navigation Based on User Type To test a personalized navigation experience where the order and visibility of navigation items change based on the user’s profile (e.g., Soldiers, Family, Civilians, Retirees). Medium      
Alphabetizing the Menus in Navigation To determine if alphabetizing the navigation menu items enhances user experience by making it easier for users to locate specific sections, thereby improving navigation efficiency and user satisfaction. Easy      

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